
Since its creation in 2004, GreenArc has

provided 5.1km of access for the cyclists and pedestrians;

acquired 90 hectares of land;

helped to secure £2.3 million for projects through Communities and Local Government's Growth Area Fund (GAF 2);

secured £1.25 million of additional project funding by partner organisations through external funding sources;

organised events and seminars for landowners, partners and farmers to encourage sustainable development and farming;

and set up a fundraising sub-group, which bids strategically for regional, national and European funds to support the work of delivery partners in the GreenArc.

Additionally GreenArc has supported a number of wider-area partnership initiatives:

Veteran Tree survey

This project surveyed the distribution and collected a complete record of the veteran and ancient tree stock in the rural areas of Epping and Harlow District. Results were published via the dedicated Favourite Trees Website and shared with partners. The project undertook two series of photographic projects with local primary and secondary schools, using veteran trees within or adjacent to the schools concerned.


This project, delivered by the Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group, aims to integrate horses into an attractive landscape, address the issues of grassland management and to encourage the provision of horse access and safe exercise areas across the GreenArc. A series of free workshops were conducted to explain different types of paddock management systems, with the aim of developing sustainable horse paddock management throughout the GreenArc territory.

For information on FWAG please visit

Green Infrastructure Planning

In collaboration with Herts County Council, in 2011 GreenArc developed a strategic Green Infrastructure Plan for the GreenArc area which is being used to prioritise action and inform local plans. A copy of the plan and its appendices can be downloaded from our document archive.


Delivered by the Deer Initiative, this project aimed to support delivery of the GreenArc vision by promoting the sustainable management of deer throughout the GreenArc area. Again a series of free workshops were arranged to support woodland management practices and thereby protect sites from deer damage.

For details of continuing initiatives to manage deer please visit

GreenArc Biofuels Project (GAF3 Proposed Projects)

GreenArc developed a unique project to act as a pathfinder project to develop the use of Woodfuels, these projects were used as a catalyst to promote the use of Woodfuel as a local energy resource to reduce carbon emissions, to develop local markets/employment and to improve the landscape of the GreenArc.

Visit for more information.

The Lee Catchment Nature Improvement Area

This project, which supports the objectives of the GreenArc Strategic GI Plan, encompasses areas of London as well as swathes of Essex and Hertfordshire. It will form part of England’s strategy to promote landscape-scale working as a means of enhancing biodiversity. It is working with a range of organisations and partnerships and has a particular emphasis on maximising biodiversity gain through green infrastructure and climate change adaptation.

For more information please contact the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority.